Электронная книга
Природа и Климат Центральной Африки. Centrālās Āfrikas daba un klimats. Nature and Climate of Central Africa. 2020
Цена : 36 руб.
Автор: Роман Арзянцев
Жанр: Прочая образовательная литература
О книге
EQUATORIAL GUINEA.Everything about the climate is clear from the name of the country. It is constantly hot and humid here, as it should be at the equator (the average annual temperature is +25 C, with an extremely slight decrease in summer). Slightly drier in winter (November – March), when, in principle, the country is recommended to visit.The nature of the country is lush and alluring. Spicy forest aromas, bright colors (green of hills, blue of sea water, black of night).